For appointments please call
03 9596 8418

Nail Surgery

Surgical procedures are commonly performed by our skilled podiatrists to treat recurrent toe nail problems. If a nail continues to in grow, nail surgery may be required to reduce the risk of infection and to relieve the pain. This allows the nail to be reshaped and prevents it growing into the skin permanently. The procedure is performed under local anaesthetic via injection into the affected toe. This is very similar to dental procedures and is performed in the clinic. You are able to walk immediately after the procedure. Our podiatrists will perform a thorough pre-operative assessment and a post-operative care plan is advised and tailored to suit you.

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At Feet 4 Life we are committed to getting each and every patient the best possible treatment outcome. Our Podiatrists take the time to do a thorough assessment of you and your feet, so we not only treat your foot pain, but identify all contributing factors to your pain, getting you back to keeping fit, walking comfortably and wearing those shoes you love – and fast!


contact us

137 Gardenvale Rd
Gardenvale Vic 3185

Phone: (03) 9596 8418
Fax: (03) 9596 0346
